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God is always timely in His lessons for me.  In Bible Study Fellowship we are studying the second part of Romans Chapter 12 this week, where Paul is giving us practical, albeit difficult rules for Christian living.  And as often happens, I was struck by part of a verse that I had glossed over in the past.

 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.  Romans 12:17

I have always taken the first part to mean something similar to Jesus saying “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”  Luke 6:31.  So when someone is snippy or short with you, speak kindly to them.  If someone cuts you off in traffic, don’t honk or curse at them, but pray for them.

But Evil is much more than a personal attack on me.  Evil is someone entering a school and shooting innocent people.  Evil is an army using chemical weapons on it’s own people.  Evil is those who sell drugs to those caught up in addiction.  Evil is everywhere in the world.  And it is much bigger than anything I could even think of repaying with evil.  So what am I to do?

This is where the second part of the verse struck me. .. .but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.  Our immediate reactions often come from a place of hurt, horror and pain.  But God calls us to give thought before we act or speak.  And how are we to think?  With the mind of Christ. ….  for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7

And then the verse adds that our actions should be honorable in the sight of all.  I need to remember that the most important one of all is God.  If I do what is pleasing in His sight, no matter what people think of me now, in the end I will be vindicated and honored, when Christ reveals and judges the works of men.

So as happens so many times, I come back to the fact that I need to be seeking God as I think about these evils in our world.  I need to pray and ask Him, who is the only one with power to change these things, to act.  I need to ask His wise and holy counsel.  And then, with His help,  I will be able to act and respond in a way that is honorable in the sight of all.

Soli Deo Gloria,
